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RE/MAX BonBini Curacao Information Selling a house on Curacao How to choose a realtor on Curacao

How to choose a realtor on Curacao

Do you want to move to a tropical paradise? Are you considering buying a (second) home in Curacao? Having trouble to find your dreamhome on this sunny island?

It's vital to understand how to choose a realtor. Like selecting any service professional – from an accountant to your family doctor – it’s important to do your homework before deciding on a real estate agent. Your (second) home purchase or sale likely represents one of the most significant financial transactions of your life, and you definitely want to find the right person for you.
It’s equally important to find an agent who can get the job done. Personal referrals are great, but only if they're based on relevant criteria.
Abilities matter. And production matters. You want someone with experience, education and a proven track record of successful closings. On all counts, RE/MAX is a solid place to start your search. Nobody in the world sells more real estate than RE/MAX, and RE/MAX agents collectively hold more professional designations than agents at any other national real estate brand.
Every one of our agents is an independent entrepreneur. Therefore he/she will go the extra mile to give excellent service to each and every client. You are looking for someone who knows the market inside and out. To find a realtor that fits your needs take a look at the personal information on each of our agents, then contact that person by email or telephone.

If you’re a seller, you may want to ask your agent the following questions:
1. Can you tell me about your real estate sales experience?
2. How do you plan to market my property?
3. Do you work part-time or full-time as an agent?
4. What is the right price for this house? And how did you arrive at that figure?
5. How will current market conditions affect my home sale?
6. How will you promote my home online?
Like professionals in other sales-based industries, the Realtor pay structure is based largely on commissions derived from successful transactions. Here's how it works:
Seller's agent (or listing agent)
The sellers and their agent agree to a commission percentage, in which the agent’s payment is based on the final sale price. In Curacao the average listing commission is 4% of the final sale price. This commission is paid to the realtor by the notary office.
Buyer's agent
At the close of the transaction, the seller's agent splits the predetermined commission with the buyer’s agent as compensation for delivering a buyer. This split is usually half of the total commission.

Please do not hesitate to contact any of our real estate agents in Curacao if you need any more information.

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