Marcel Piepenbrink
Sales Associate
"I like working with people and I'm good at it"
I have realized in my life that it is important to only do things that you enjoy. I like to work with people and I am good at it. When I decided in 2017 to make the switch to a full-time independent sales agent within RE/MAX BonBini, I really put all my time into this. The transition in terms of work was easy, but at the beginning you don't earn what you want to earn, so that took some getting used to. You either have to have a buffer in the bank or you have to have someone next to you who can help you with it, otherwise it will be difficult.
My day-to-day work varies from day to day. I try to keep a steady rhythm, but this doesn't always work. The days that I don't have appointments, I often go to the office, so that I can do my administrative work; Compliance, managing appointments, communicating with customers, etc. The rest of the time I am busy with appointments and viewings or I work from home. I think it's ideal that I can plan my own working week in this way.
When I look back on my time at RE/MAX BonBini, I am especially proud of the network I built. I notice that my customers know how to easily find and approach me. I also have more and more cool sales and listings. For example, we are now the listing broker for a project at the Coral Estate Resort and I think that's really cool. It is a very large project that I have been able to secure and those are very nice things, which I am very proud of.
We work here with all independent brokers as a team for RE/MAX BonBini. This means that everyone is an entrepreneur, but you still have to work together and learn to give and take. As one team we achieve the most.
- 100% Club Award 2021 & 2022 & 2024
- Platinum Club Award 2023
- Executive Club Award 2020
Wij waren zeer tevreden over de goede rondleidingen en informatie van Marcel Piepenbrink toen wij op zoek waren naar een woning op Curaçao.
Als gevolg daarvan zijn wij nu eigenaren van een mooie woning op Grote Berg.
Bovendien heeft Marcel een goede beheerder geadviseerd, die ons met raad en daad heeft geadviseerd bij het opknappen en onderhoud van de woning.
Jan Lautenbach und Tine van Minnen, Niederlande